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Saturday, September 4, 2021/2021年9月4日(土)

Videos of presentations (except for plenary session) and ZOOM links for each session are available here. The password will be sent to the person who registered for the conference


9:00~9:15       Opening Remarks/開会式


Masaki SEO (Ibaraki University)/瀬尾匡輝(茨城大学)


Professor Yasuro KURUSU (Vice President, Ibaraki University)/久留主泰朗(茨城大学理事・副学長(総括理事・教育統括))  

Lyndell Nagashima (Coordinator, JALT Study Aroad SIG)/長島リンド―(全国語学教育学会海外留学研究部会代表)

Overview of Conference/Conferenceの概要

9:15~10:15     Plenary Session/基調講演

Language Learning Focused COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning)

as a New Gateway for Inclusive International Education

インクルーシブな国際教育のゲートウェイとしてのCOIL: LLC(言語学習を目的としたCOIL)にフォーカスをあてて

Professor Keiko IKEDA (Kansai University)/池田佳子先生(関西大学)

10:30~10:50   Presenter Session #1/発表者とのディスカッション #1

  1. 【パネル発表10:30~11:15】コロナ禍における日中韓共同運営国際教育プログラムの実践―立命大・東西大・広東外大キャンパスアジアの場合

  2. 中国人留学生の留学記録 「留学の意義」 ―多様な経験を経て得るもの  

  3. Managing study abroad during a pandemic: A Japanese university case study
    Todd James Allen (Kansai University)

10:55~11:15   Presenter Session #2/発表者とのディスカッション #2

  1. 日本留学における外国人留学生の新出語彙の意味調べ方略

  2. Towards greater inclusivity and sustainability in international education and exchange
    Yumiko Shibata, Rosemary Reader, Naomi Yukimaru, Fiona Creaser, & Rodger S. Williamson (The University of Kitakyushu)

11:20~11:40   Presenter Session #3/発表者とのディスカッション #3

  1. 3週間のVirtual Exchange Programの実践報告

  2. Study abroad learning outcomes and assessment in Japanese higher education
    Yuka Jibiki (Showa Women’s University)

  3. A MOOC for intercultural learning in home contexts
    Gareth Humphreys (Sojo University)


11:45~12:05   Presenter Session #4/発表者とのディスカッション #4

  1. コロナ禍の国際教育:国内のオンライン授業で出来ること

  2. Fluctuations in learners’ capacity to speak (CTS) during the SA year
    Simon Humphries (Kansai University)

  3. Collaborative online international learning: Chinese and Japanese students making global connections
    Kevin Ottoson (Nagoya Women's University) & Di Mi (Tianjin Normal University)

12:05~13:00   Networking Lunch/ネットワークランチ

Participants will be divided into a small group and talk with other participants. You can move around different groups if you would like to talk to your friends (In order to do so, you need to have a laptop/desktop computer instead of smartphone/tablet).   

When you log-in to the ZOOM, please change your name to 【Language you would like to use for communication】 Your Name (Your Affiliation) 

e.g. 【Japanese】Masaki Seo (Ibaraki University)




(例 【日本語】瀬尾匡輝(茨城大学))としていただきますよう、お願いいたします。

13:00~14:35   Short Presentation-Presenter Session/短い発表―発表者とのディスカッション

13:00~13:45 Short Presentation-Presenter Session #1/短い発表―発表者とのディスカッション#1

  1. An additional language socialization framework for short-term study abroad
    Scott Roy Douglas (University of British Columbia)

  2. Choosing partner universities for short-visit study abroad
    Alexander McAulay (Yokohama National University) 

  3. Using UOP’s “what’s up with culture?” for Japanese students
    Jeffery C Fryckman (Senshu University)

  4. Study abroad and cultural frame switching: An interview study
    Rieko Ueda (Dokkyo University)

  5. オンラインがつなぐ私と外界 ―埼玉の自宅から広がる英語学習

  6. コロナ禍における留学生の受け入れ、送り出しの現状と取り組みー国際教養大学の事例


13:50~14:35 Short Presentation-Presenter Session #2/短い発表―発表者とのディスカッション#2

  1. Making international friends at home, via online office hours
    Maiko Berger (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)

  2. Studying abroad in a pandemic
    Karen Mattison (Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts)

  3. Reexamination of my social identity construction through the method of currere
    Motoki Long-Nozawa (The University of British Columbia & Simon Fraser University)

  4. Student perceptions of online study abroad programs
    Dana Lingley (Doshisha University)

  5. フランス人学習者による助詞と動詞の使用における縦断的研究-1年間の留学前・後に見られる違い
    河合智恵子 (Université d'Orléans)

  6. 派遣留学生を対象とした帰国後教育に関する実態調査 ―日本の大学が発行している海外留学ハンドブック類に焦点を当てて


14:40~15:00   Presenter Session #5/発表者とのディスカッション #5

  1. 国内オンラインサマープログラムにおける日本人学生の海外留学生とのプロジェクトワークを通したリーダーシップ教育の可能性―お茶の水女子大学オンラインサマープログラムに参加した日本人学生への量的調査より

  2. オンライン交換留学における日本語コミュニケーションの機会を増やすための工夫

  3. Picture this: Use of cellphone cameras in SA
    Stephen M. Ryan (Sanyo Gakuen University)

15:05~15:25   Presenter Session #6/発表者とのディスカッション #6

  1. オンライン留学の展開―適切な評価と学内プログラムとの融合

  2. オンライン国際ボランティア・プロジェクトが異文化間能力に与える影響

  3. Japanese university students' experiences with high-context/low-context cultures
    Reiko Takeda (Seijo University/International Christian University)


15:30~15:50   Presenter Session #7/発表者とのディスカッション #7

  1. パンデミック下における留学のナラティブ

  2. A reflection on the study in Japan as a foreigner at two distinct periods of time (self case study)
    Mohammad Hadi Ahmadi (Kharazmi University)


16:00~17:30   JALT Study Abroad SIG Annual General Meeting/JALT 海外留学SIG 総会

Only JALT Study Abroad SIG Members can vote.

Non-members can participate, but will not be able to vote.



Plenary Session/基調講演

Language Learning Focused COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning)

as a New Gateway for Inclusive International Education




Keiko IKEDA, Ph.D.

池田 佳子 教授(Ph.D.)

     COIL is a pedagogy that has been attracting increasing interest in the field of international higher education (HEI) in recent years. This method, which involves matching courses offered at overseas universities with local students taking courses at domestic universities, explicitly promotes international collaborations in learning. A new form of learning that applies COIL-type education during the COVID-19 crisis has developed at a rapid pace in higher education institutions around the world. This also includes foreign language education (including Japanese language education). Kansai University was the first HEI in Japan to incorporate COIL as part of its formal university curriculum and established an organization called IIGE (Institute for Innovative Global Education) in 2018 in order to promote such educational activities. Given the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic likely precludes any return to pre-pandemic mobility levels, consider that as a rapid world-wide response LLCs may play an important role in helping sustain international collaborative undertakings. For those who study Japanese language as JFL in the United States, as an illustration, it can provide a great opportunity to practice authentic interaction with L1 speakers. It not only can improve the quality and amount of L2 language input but also may create many other learning gains. It is most likely that this practice will continue to expand in the future, and the current presentation will discuss how we can strategically plan on disseminating this practice more globally.


     At IIGE, we have conceptualized COIL which focuses on language learning as the main purpose of collaborative learning as an independent category ("LLC - Language Learning focused COIL") in order to clearly distinguish this from other types of COIL undertakings. Drawing upon the extensive background literature on second language learning research we believe that COIL activity designs most suitable for language learning should be purposely undertaken and customized to prioritize language learning aspects. 


     Given the theme of this conference is "Study Abroad at Home" it is interesting to consider the phenomenon of how activities labeled as "online study abroad" and "virtual study abroad" have emerged in the last year and a half as a direct response to COVID-19, and how these are viewed alongside physical mobility (study abroad). What is also worth consideration is that unlike these practices COIL and other International collaborative learning at a Distance (ICL) did not directly emerge as a response to COVID-19. Furthermore, consider also that "studying abroad online" is not the same as COIL or Virtual Exchange, and COIL should not be simply conceptualized as an alternative version of study abroad (aka “Study Abroad Lite”). In this presentation, I would like to unpack and critically examine the sources of this confusion with regard to conceptualizing COIL and embarking on COIL related undertakings.

 COILは、近年国際教育分野において関心が高まっている教育実践手法である。海外の大学で展開する科目とマッチングを行い、国内大学で履修する学生と海外の学生が協働学習を行う。コロナ禍の中COIL型教育を応用した新しい学びの形が、世界の高等教育機関で急ピッチで展開している。外国語教育(日本語教育を含む)においても、この手法を活用する動きが活発になった。関西大学では、日本国内で初めてCOILを大学カリキュラムの一環として取り込み、このような教育活動を推進する機構(IIGE)を2018年に設置した。言語学習を協働学習の活動の目的として位置付けるCOILを、本学では「LLC(Language Learning focused COIL)」 とカテゴライズし、言語学習に適した活動設計をカスタマイズして海外大学との連携を行っている。コロナ禍が長期化する中、未だモビリティの完全復活からは程遠いのが世界の現状である。LLCは、コロナ禍以前にもニーズがあったが、この危機的な状況下においてより関心を集めるようになった。2018-2022年の文部科学省補助金事業期間においては、特に日米の大学間で、このLLCが現在展開している。日本国内の大学機関の履修者にとって、LLCを通して出会う米国大学のピアとのコミュニケーションは、教室内学習の伝統的な活動を逸脱し、対象言語を用いてコミュニケーションを取り社会的関係構築を行う貴重な機会となっている。米国で日本語をJFLとして学ぶ者にとっても、言語インプットの向上はもとより多くのメリットを生み出す実践となる。本発表では、この教育実践活用の日本国内における動向にも言及し、その中でも外国語教育(日本語教育)に主眼をおいたCOILがどのように今後も広がりを見せるのかといった見解も示していく。


 本カンファレンスのテーマは「内なる海外留学」とある。この1年半ほどで「オンライン留学」「バーチャル留学」といった活動が台頭し、「渡航留学」と横並びで議論されるようになった点は、非常に興味深い現象である。しかし、COILをはじめとする「遠隔型国際交流学習(International Collaborative Learning at a Distance)」は、なにもコロナ禍で始まったわけではない。また、「オンライン留学」と、COILやVirtual Exchangeは同じものではない。COILは留学の代替版(Study Abroad Lite)でもない。こういった理解の混乱についても、発表者の見解と共に考察していきたいと考えている。


Dr. Keiko Ikeda is a Professor in the Division of International Affairs, and KU-COIL Coordinator at Kansai University. Recently, she has taken the role as the principal project manager for the Inter-University Exchange Project funded by MEXT, 2018-2022 ("COIL Plus Program to Develop Global Career Mindset"). Dr. Ikeda is Vice-Director for the newly established organization at Kansai University, Institute for Innovative Global Education (IIGE). She has a Ph.D. from the University of Hawai'i at Manoa, specializing in Japanese linguistics, foreign language education, and conversation analysis. Her interests in the international education field are internationalization at home, and constructing active learning programs collaborating with universities overseas. Dr. Ikeda also plays a vital role in another line of the on-going government-funded project, SUCCESS-Osaka Project (2017-2021). It promotes the employability of international students who have studied in Japan.

関西大学国際部教授およびKU-COILコーディネーター。「グローバル・キャリアマインドを培うCOIL Plusプログラム」の主任プロジェクトマネージャーであり、グローバル教育イノベーション推進機構(IIGE)の副機構長を務める。ハワイ大学マノア校で日本語学、外国語教育、会話分析を専門とする博士号を取得。国際教育分野における研究は、大学キャンパスでの国際化であり、海外の大学と共同で実施する学習プログラムを構築しています。現在、「グローバル・キャリアマインドを培うCOIL Plusプログラム」の他に、文部科学省委託事業:SUCCESS-Osaka(留学生の就職促進プログラム)2017-2021プロジェクトも担当し、日本で勉強した留学生の雇用促進に取り組んでいます。

The plenary will be conducted in English.

10:30~10:50 Presenter Session#1/発表者とのディスカッション #1

Room 1




Room 2

中国人留学生の留学記録 「留学の意義」 ―多様な経験を経て得るもの




Room 3

Managing study abroad during a pandemic: A Japanese university case study


Todd James Allen (Kansai University)

COVID-19 has affected the higher education sector and student mobility has suffered significantly. As travel has ceased, universities are now having to manage new forms of study abroad programs, which attempt to develop students’ intercultural communicative competency and language proficiency like previous face-to-face programs. In this presentation, I discuss how one university has managed a study abroad program during this pandemic, exploring managers’ and students’ perceptions of this experience. Specifically, I explore how program managers have negotiated these new forms of study abroad. The presentation also examines students’ experiences of these programs, and the ways universities have facilitated online learning. 

10:55~11:15 Presenter Session#2/発表者とのディスカッション #2

Presenter Session#1
Presenter Session#2
Plenary Session

Room 2





Room 3

Towards greater inclusivity and sustainability in international education and exchange


Yumiko Shibata, Rosemary Reader, Naomi Yukimaru, Fiona Creaser, & Rodger S. Williamson (The University of Kitakyushu)

The Covid-19 pandemic has decimated study abroad and international student exchange programs at universities across the globe. The Department of English at the University of Kitakyushu designed our omnibus course to cope with this challenge by providing collaborative online international learning opportunities combined with team-based global learning classes for our third-year students. This presentation discusses the educational impacts of collaborative online international exchanges with overseas students and how this experience can link to global learning classes at home based on the analysis of students’ minute papers. It also explores the benefits and challenges of online international learning with overseas universities.

11:20~11:40 Presenter Session#3/発表者とのディスカッション #3

Presenter Session#3

Room 1

3週間のVirtual Exchange Programの実践報告



本発表では、2021年5月に実施されたカナダで日本語を学ぶ学生と日本の学生のVirtual Exchange Programの(90分x7回)の実戦報告をする。オンラインでの語学留学・異文化交流プログラムには多くの可能性がある。オンラインでは、これまでは諸事情で留学ができなかった学生にも留学の機会を与えられ、学生は部屋からでも留学できる。Conference当日は、オンラインによる語学留学と異文化交流の可能性と今後の展望について話し合う機会を持ちたい。

Room 2

Study abroad learning outcomes and assessment in Japanese higher education


Yuka Jibiki (Showa Women’s University)

International education is still strong despite the global pandemic. Study abroad programs are an essential strategy for internationalization of higher education. However, the research of study abroad and its assessment has been done little in Japan. It is important to assess educational programs from both perspectives of students’ satisfactions as well as evidence-based, third-party perspectives. This presentation approaches the problem from reviewing literature reviews and interviews to two study abroad alumni. Results show that there are gaps between institutional views and students’ views of study abroad purpose. It implies the need for diverse career support to study abroad returnee students.

Room 3

A MOOC for intercultural learning in home contexts


Gareth Humphreys (Sojo University)

In a context of limited student mobility, finding ways to provide intercultural learning opportunities in home contexts is critically important. As part of a Kakenhi-funded project, an intercultural learning MOOC was developed, oriented towards intercultural citizenship and Global Englishes. The presentation outlines a pedagogical framing for the course before a demonstration of learning content and selected resources. Free access to the course is available for teachers for use with their own students and support is provided. Examination of intercultural learning on the course will lead to the development of an illustrative model for intercultural education, outlined in the presentation.

11:45~12:05 Presenter Session#4/発表者とのディスカッション #4

Presenter Session#4

Room 1





Room 2

Fluctuations in learners’ capacity to speak (CTS) during the SA year


Simon Humphries (Kansai University)

Silence among Japanese learners of English has been observed widely in classroom observations domestically (King, 2013). As a solution, even short study abroad programmes seem to improve students’ speaking abilities and confidence (Dewaele, Comanaru & Faraco, 2015). However, students’ improvement does not emerge in a linear fashion, instead it is complex and dynamic (Larsen-Freeman & Cameron, 2008). This study captured fluctuations in the capacity to speak (CTS) of three English majors during their 10-month SA using self-reflection journals, interviews and a CTS questionnaire (Humphries, Akamatsu, Tanaka & Burns, 2020).

Room 3

Collaborative online international learning: Chinese and Japanese students making global connections


Kevin Ottoson (Nagoya Women's University,) & 
Di Mi (Tianjin Normal University)


Despite recent government initiatives to promote overseas exchanges in higher education, many students are not interested or cannot participate in overseas exchanges. Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) can stimulate interest in study abroad and bridge the opportunity gap to global learning opportunities. This presentation outlines implementing COIL activities with students in China and Japan and reports on the impact of such activities on student perspectives on language development, motivation to study a foreign language, and intercultural competencies. This pilot study aims to understand better the perceived intercultural development and attitudes toward foreign language learning from students in China and Japan after participating in a basic COIL project over eight weeks. After sharing these findings, the presentation will discuss the implications that this research has on various stakeholders. Finally, this presentation will reflect on the successes and difficulties of using technology to implement internationalization at home.

13:00~14:35 Short-Presentation: Presenter Session/短い発表―発表者とのセッション 

13:00~13:45 First Half/前半

Short-Presentation Session#1

An additional language socialization framework for short-term study abroad


Scott Roy Douglas (University of British Columbia)

Short-term study abroad programs have great potential for positive impacts on their students.  However, this potential is not always achieved due to possible factors such as limited interactions with the local community and unfulfilled expectations.  To boost the benefits and mitigate the challenges, an additional language socialization framework can guide program development to leverage opportunities for students to connect with local community members through the additional language, and in turn develop their language skills while gaining cultural knowledge and understanding of local practices.  At the same time, local community members are also learning from and influenced by the students in a bi-directional transformational flow of knowledge as students gain access to the community.  This short presentation outlines the ideal elements of a short-term study abroad experience grounded in an additional language socialization framework, and points to how these types of programs may be offered in a post-pandemic world. 

Choosing partner universities for short-visit study abroad


Alexander McAulay (Yokohama National University)

Short-visit study abroad programs of 1-2 weeks have increased in popularity in recent years. There are a number of factors to consider when choosing overseas partner for these programs. Since 2008, the presenter has been running three short-visit programs that have taken Japanese students to 35 universities in 23 different countries. Drawing on that experience, he offers practical advice on the logistical challenges involved in setting up transnational collaboration in short-visit study abroad programs.

Using UOP’s “what’s up with culture?” for Japanese students


Jeffery C Fryckman (Senshu University)

UOP’s online tutorial on the concepts of intercultural communication “What’s up with culture?” is a renowned and extremely useful tool for preparing students for study abroad.  Though it is primarily designed and written for native speakers of English who will sojourn abroad, with some targeted “tweaking,” lots of vocabulary support, and integration of group activities, it can be effectively used with Japanese university students preparing to go overseas.  The presenter will explain and show examples of how he modified and used it for the basis of a semester course that is part of a preparation to study abroad curriculum.

Study abroad and cultural frame switching: An interview study


Rieko Ueda (Dokkyo University)

This research examined the extent to, and the manner in, which international students experience cultural frame switching (CFS), a phenomenon often observed among bicultural individuals such as immigrants and returnees. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with five Japanese who (had) studied at higher education institutions in Anglophone countries. This study found that CFS was broadly applicable to the students, yet with significant individual differences. Previous intercultural experience was also found to have a moderate influence on the display of CFS. These findings are expected to contribute to ongoing debates about student self-transformation through study abroad.

オンラインがつなぐ私と外界 ―埼玉の自宅から広がる英語学習




キーワード: 民間SNS英語学習、学習者の主体性、コーチング的手法





13:50~14:35 Second Half/後半

Short Presentation Session#2

Making international friends at home, via online office hours


Maiko Berger (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)

Since early 2020, it has become difficult for students to meet foreign friends, even at international universities in Japan. Borders were closed, and classes went online. To make the best out of the situation, I recruited international students as guest TAs in my online office hours. Students not only met and learned about students from various countries in a safe environment, but also practiced English and improved fluency and asking questions. Some issues remain such as a relatively small number of participants, but I believe this is one way to promote ‘study abroad at home’ experience. The benefit is clearly displayed by high satisfaction from both sides and the improvement of some students’ IELTS scores.

Studying abroad in a pandemic


Karen Mattison (Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts)

What happens when you arrive for a year of study abroad only to learn that you will be studying online instead? How do you cope with anxiety about an unknown illness and a national lockdown in a foreign country and disappointment over your expectations of the study abroad experience yet still keep up with your studies? This poster presents one student’s account of studying online in New Zealand during the COVID-19 lockdown. A brief overview of how New Zealand approached containment of the coronavirus is also presented.

Reexamination of my social identity construction through the method of currere


Motoki Long-Nozawa (The University of British Columbia & Simon Fraser University)

The aim of my presentation is threefold: sharing my experience abroad, analyzing it using the method of currere (Pinar, 1975), and participating in “complicated conversation” (Pinar, 2004) across the attendees at the Study Abroad SIG Conference 2021. My experience particularly focuses on the discursive nature of my social identity construction. Pinar’s concept of currere, which employs autobiographical writing, provides a powerful way to “a personal transformation through reexamination of self and society” (Downey & Whitty, 2020). I demonstrate what Pinar states “a new subjective site” (Pinar, 2020) by arguing that allowable discourse has played a significant role in the construction of my identities.

Student perceptions of online study abroad programs


Dana Lingley (Doshisha University)

The COVID-19 pandemic forced educators to shift their classes online and pushed some Japanese students to enrol in online programs to fulfil required study abroad components. Students who embark on study abroad trips are immersed in various language learning opportunities making for a rich experience. One of the non-linguistic goals of study abroad programs is to provide opportunities for students to increase their intercultural competence, which is an essential tool to thrive in future intercultural encounters. In an ongoing project, the presenter has interviewed ten 2nd-year university students fulfilling a study abroad component of their program via online distance education. A further six students participated in the interviews to offer insights into online study abroad after completing the requirement. This presentation will summarize the series of interviews of the two groups. The interviews have predictably revealed an overall level of dissatisfaction and several perceived positive aspects of studying abroad online. 



河合智恵子 (Université d'Orléans)


派遣留学生を対象とした帰国後教育に関する実態調査 ―日本の大学が発行している海外留学ハンドブック類に焦点を当てて




Presenter Session#5

14:40~15:00 Presenter Session#5/発表者とのディスカッション #5

Room 1





Room 2





Room 3

Picture this: Use of cellphone cameras in SA


Stephen M. Ryan (Sanyo Gakuen University)


The presenter will introduce ways to make use of students’ cellphone cameras to enhance the educational experience of Study Abroad. The ubiquity of the camera-in-the-pocket has opened up new possibilities for recording, preserving, re-viewing, reflecting on, and learning from examples of cultural similarities and differences in daily life experienced in a Study Abroad setting. The presenter will give examples of ways in which cameras and the photos they take can be used for these purposes. Students are required to take a large number of photos of “things that you would not see in Japan” and “things that are just the same as Japan.” The captured experiences in the photos are then available for sharing, reflection, organizing, and learning activities involving the student who took them, fellow SA students, friends and classmates, and, in orientation sessions, future SA participants.

15:05~15:25 Presenter Session#6/発表者とのディスカッション #6

Presenter Session#6

Room 1





Room 2





Room 3

Japanese university students' experiences with high-context/low-context cultures


Reiko Takeda (Seijo University/International Christian University)


Japanese university students have spoken of their challenges during their study abroad, which include interactions with native English speakers. While high linguistic proficiency could help the students get their points across, they have commented on how interaction in English was challenging and overwhelming as they did not always know how to speak up. Although 50 years have passed since its publication, Hall’s (1976) concept of high-context/low-context cultures has proven to be valid in preparing potential study-abroad students so they could cognitively understand the differences in communication styles between cultures. This video introduces three lessons from a study-abroad preparation course which the presenter teaches. After the last lesson, where students engaged in role-playing involving people from both high- and low-context cultures, their written reflections reveal their awareness of cultural differences and stereotypes, including those of the Japanese culture.

Presenter Session#7

15:30~15:50 Presenter Session#7/発表者とのディスカッション #7

Room 1





Room 3

A reflection on the study in Japan as a foreigner at two distinct periods of time (self case study)


Mohammad Hadi Ahmadi (Kharazmi University)


A reflection on the study in Japan as a foreigner at two distinct periods of time  As a foreign student who has studied twice in Japan, I would like to share my experience with other people. My background is unique in that I have experienced two quite different educational settings; the first time as an elementary student in Kyoto and the second time as a PhD student in Tokyo. As my father was pursuing his PhD in Japan, we lived in Kyoto for four years in the 1990s. When I was twelve, we returned to Iran. At that point, I had finished my elementary school in Japanese schools. Some years later, I went to Japan for the second time in order to do my PhD in the field of Linguistics in 2011. Children’s concerns are totally different from adults’ as they do not have comparable responsibilities and conditions. Thus, age apparently plays a major role in the formation of our insight about the experience of studying abroad. As a person who has had the opportunity to study at different ages in Japan, I would like to compare and contrast child’s and adult’s study abroad experiences. In order to present a clear picture of my experience, various aspects of studying in Japan such as Japanese language learning as a child and adult, adaption to the Japanese culture and social norms, culture shock as well as educational shock, should be taken into consideration. It is worth noting that I had to relearn the Japanese language again as I had forgotten almost all of it during the twenty-year gap between my elementary school and PhD program. As the Japanese language is entirely different from my mother tongue, which is Persian language, I had to make a great effort to promote my Japanese language proficiency for the purpose of living and studying in Japan. Interesting to be noted is the context of studying in Japan. As a child, I picked up the Japanese language at Japanese schools whereas I attended Japanese language classes when I went to Japan for the second time. It is through learning about other people’s experiences that we can broaden our perception of studying in a foreign country, although every person might have a unique condition of his/her own. The matter of effectiveness of studying abroad goes hand in hand with the lifestyle we experience in that country as well. That is to say, familiarity with the target lifestyle and culture is of great importance.

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